Tuesday, December 25, 2012



 Republic for the United States of America

A Poem from President James Timothy Turner
Out of the hearts of men there was born
The hope of a government Republic in form;
For the Home of the Brave and Land of the Free
Not the home of the slave and land of the Fee;
The Fathers of old looked down from above
With Faith and with Praise and most of all Love;
To see "We the People" Finally stand
And bring the Republic back to their Land;
A small band of Americans who truly loved God
Stood where most warriors did Fear to trod;
They knew the Risk and counted the cost
At times it seemed the cause was just lost;
They struggled and worked and sacrificed much
They were demonized, hated and held in disgust;
"UNITED STATES" leaders said we can't let this stand
We have to destroy them down to the last man;
They called in the Marshalls and FBI
We will take out their leader we'll have to use Lies;
The President is the one that matters
If we take him down the rest will just scatter;
Spies were sent in to tear us apart
Want to be leaders who have evil hearts;
The Presidents gone you must follow us
But the People of God put up quite a Fuss;
They said we will stand in God we will trust
This network of yours is not working for Us;
The People decided to Follow the Plan
That God gave America with his own hand;
God looked down with a smile on His Face
And said to Yeshua it's time for some grace;
God sent His own Spirit to cover the land
I'll deliver the Republic with my mighty hand;
The People awakened with a big Yawn
The Corp is in trouble a new day has dawned;
The American Republic grew stronger and stronger
The "UNITED STATES" Corp could hold out no longer;
The People arose and took back their home
Not long after that the evil was gone;
Back in his jail cell the President prayed
They said he would weaken just give him some days;
In spite of their efforts he only grew stronger
How can this group hold out any longer?;
They have no money they have no support
Yet they are standing up to the "UNITED STATES" Corp;
Lucifer told them you know I beheld
A time in the past we tried to kill twelve;
They were his disciples the numbers just grew
The more I destroyed the more God renewed;
That battle I lost and I was unseated
I Fear that mistake has just been repeated.

James Timothy Turner
President 12-16-2012 

Donations for President Turner's law team can be sent to:
Kim McDowell
PO Box 22
Daleville, AL 36322

Letters of encouragement can be sent to:
James Timothy Turner
#99120 MCDF
PO Box 4599
Montgomery, Alabama  36103

Please ensure distribution to your assemblies and contacts.

Join Our Mailing List!
Please Click on the following Link.

Monday, December 24, 2012



Merry Christmas from the
Republic for the United States of America
My Christmas Wish To YOU 
By Catherine Pulsifer 

If I could wish a wish for you, 
it would be for peace and happiness not only now, 
but for the whole year through! 

I wish that there always be food on your table. 
And that you always remember those less fortunate. 
May you always take time to share, and thank those who share with you. 

I wish for time, so you may reflect 
on the blessings that you have, and that you express your love 
to those who are dear to you. 

May you never feel lonely, 
because there are those who care. 
That you realize: you are special, 
you are unique, you make a difference, 
not only at Christmas, but all year! 

I wish for your thoughts to be positive ones, 
that you never quit, that you never give up, 
and that you continue to learn. 
I wish for the love, peace, and joy 
of Christmas be yours always.
Rejoice in the spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the miracle of Christmas which is Hope, and the heart of Christmas which is Love.

May God Bless all of you and the Republic.

Thursday, December 20, 2012



Republic for the United States of America Roundtable Conference Call
Thursdays: 6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern
Conference Number: 712-432-0075 Code 594637# - Playback # 712-432-1085

Please forward to your Assemblies & interested friends :-) 

Host & Moderator: Robert Zuluaga - Producer: Jeanine Stewart - Technical Assistant: Cyndi Hull 

December 20, 2012

Forever Glory Forever Glory
Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year

Calls resume
January 3, 2013  
The 1870 Act to approve legal holidays:The act of Congress establishing Fourth of July as a holiday, but without pay, for federal employees and the District of Columbia occurred in 1870. Senator Hannibal Hamlin (Dem.-Maine, and previously vice president under Abraham Lincoln) introduced a Senate Bill (referred HR no. 2224), issued through the Committee on the District of Columbia, Forty-first Congress, Session II, on 24 June 1870, and titled "Legal Holidays in the District." Hamlin presented his rationale for the bill: "There are no legal holidays here, and this bill merely provides for what I think are the legal holidays in every state of the Union." Apparently there was no opposition to the bill which "was reported to the Senate without amendment; ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed." It was reported in the Congressional Globe, Friday, June 28, 1870, and was printed as Chapter 167:

"Legal Holidays in the District"
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the following days, to wit: the first day of January, commonly called New Year's day, the fourth day of July, the twenty-fifth day of December, commonly called Christmas day, and any day appointed or recommended by the President of the United States as a day of public fast or thanksgiving, shall be holidays within the District of Columbia, and shall, for all purposes of presenting for payment or acceptance for the maturity and protest, and giving notice of the dishonor of bills of exchange, bank checks and promissory notes or other negotiable or commercial paper, be treated and considered as is the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, and all notes, drafts, checks, or other commercial or negotiable paper falling due or maturing on either of said holidays shall be deemed as having matured on the day previous. Approved, June 28, 1870.

Reminder - State Elections: 
It is imperative the States immediately schedule elections for National Representatives. The Senate remains seated and the second congress will need to determine the division of three equal classes. All newly elected or re-elected seat holders will first need to demonstrate pursuant to law, their documentation and validation of election prior to the opening of the second session of Congress. The State Records Keepers and/or Administrators will need to upload the required documents to Dropbox.

Congressional Roster - upload to dropbox or send torrb.admin@republicoftheunitedstates.org
First Congress (to establish a quorum to convene a special session)
Second Congress (Re-elected or newly elected seat holders for the session beginning January 22, 2013)

What Constitutes a "Green"State?

A Message from President Turner's Chief of Staff - Kim McDowell:
NOW is the time for funds for the President's legal defense. Ask for the assemblies to collect what ever they can get. $25 $250 $25,000 or $250,000... Donations for the President's legal defense can be sent to: Kim McDowell  P.O. Box 22  Daleville, Alabama  36322.  
Q & A:               
We welcome your questions, comments & feedback.     
When we open the call for Q&A - PRESS *6, then 1 to be placed in the queue.  
You may also email your questions to: questions@republicoftheunitedstates.org.   
Not receiving emails and updates?  We apologize for the inconvenience.  An unfortunate event with Constant Contact required us to place many emails on a Do Not Mail list.  At this time the only way we can add you back to the database is with your assistance.  Please use this link to add your email address.  You will then receive messages once again.  

Friday, December 14, 2012



Republic for the United States of America Weekly Call Links 

Please forward to your Assemblies and Interested Contacts

Roundtable Call: December 13, 2012   

RICG - Executive Call: December 10, 2012  


Roundtable Call: December 6, 2012  

RICG - Executive Call: December 3, 2012

Roundtable Call: November 29, 2012

Not receiving emails and updates?  We apologize for the inconvenience.  An unfortunate event with Constant Contact required us to place many emails on a Do Not Mail list.  At this time the only way we can add you back to the database is with your assistance.  Please use this link to add your email address.  You will then receive messages once again. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Round Table Call December 13th


Republic for the United States of America Roundtable Conference Call
Thursdays: 6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern
Conference Number: 712-432-0075 Code 594637#

Please forward to your Assemblies & interested friends :-) 

Host & Moderator: Robert Zuluaga - Producer: Jeanine Stewart - Technical Assistant: Cyndi Hull 

December 13, 2012

Forever Glory Forever Glory

Please join us this evening.

All calls next week are canceled for the Christmas Holiday.  
State Elections: 
It is imperative the States immediately schedule elections for National Representatives. The Senate remains seated and the second congress will need to determine the division of three equal classes. All newly elected or re-elected seat holders will first need to demonstrate pursuant to law, their documentation and validation of election prior to the opening of the second session of Congress. The State Records Keepers and/or Administrators will need to upload the required documents to Dropbox.

Congressional Roster - upload to dropbox or send torrb.admin@republicoftheunitedstates.org
First Congress (to establish a quorum to convene a special session)
Second Congress (Re-elected or newly elected seat holders for the session beginning January 22, 2013)

What Constitutes a "Green"State?

Documents filed in President Turner's case:



A Message from President Turner's Chief of Staff - Kim McDowell:
NOW is the time for funds for the President's legal defense. Ask for the assemblies to collect what ever they can get. $25 $250 $25,000 or $250,000... Donations for the President's legal defense can be sent to: Kim McDowell  P.O. Box 22  Daleville, Alabama  36322.

Mayan Calendar Humor:

Q & A:               
We welcome your questions, comments & feedback.     
When we open the call for Q&A - PRESS *6, then 1 to be placed in the queue.  
You may also email your questions to: questions@republicoftheunitedstates.org.   
Not receiving emails and updates?  We apologize for the inconvenience.  An unfortunate event with Constant Contact required us to place many emails on a Do Not Mail list.  At this time the only way we can add you back to the database is with your assistance.  Please use this link to add your email address.  You will then receive messages once again.  

Friday, November 30, 2012

Convening Congress

Convening Congress

The Republic for the United States of America  
from the Desk of the Acting President
November 30, 2012
Secured ID PR364423813RUSA
Re: Convening Congress 

Representatives Coleman and Gardner have erred in their attempt to convene the house, along with invitation to the senate, on December 3, 2012. Representatives Coleman and Gardner are operating outside their oath of office. The authority to convene Congress, either singularly or in duality, defaults solely to me pursuant to Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Article 2 - The Executive Branch
Section 3 - State of the Union, Convening Congress

"[The President] may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, and either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper..."

I choose not to summon the house, the senate or congressional body until the appointed date of January 22, 2013, as prescribed by congress at its adjourning session.

I recognize that Representatives Coleman and Gardner have questioned the vote process that occurred in the House. I have reviewed the facts and since the bodies may not be in concert, I have therefore decided that unless circumstances deem it appropriate, Congress will remain adjourned until January 22, 2013.

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 4 - Elections, Meetings

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of chusing Senators.

The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day."

I have significant concerns that Representatives Coleman and Gardner have encroached upon the rights of all members of both bodies, House and Senate, by their actions. Neither has the Constitutional footing to convene anything. I am not particularly happy having been put in a position of responding to this improper, unconstitutional and baseless attempt to convene the House. Neither hold the office nor have the authority to do so.

I have received a number of requests to make known this set of facts. Again, to make it clear absent circumstances or necessity requiring me in my Executive position to convene congress or either body, prior to January 22, 2013, congress will remain adjourned until that date.

Respectfully submitted,

James Buchanan Geiger                             Acting President 
                                          The Republic for the United States of America


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Republic Roundtable: November 29, 2012

Republic Roundtable: November 29, 2012

Republic for the United States of America Roundtable Conference Call
Thursdays: 6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern
Conference Number: 712-432-0075 Code 594637#

Please forward to your Assemblies & interested friends :-) 

Host & Moderator: Robert Zuluaga - Producer: Jeanine Stewart - Technical Assistant: Cyndi Hull 

November 29, 2012

Forever Glory Forever Glory

A time for reflection and sharing.

NOTICE: It is the intention of the House of Representatives to "Reconvene" the House on MONDAY, December 3, 2012, at 6pm PST.

The House of Representatives invites, informally, any and all Senators who would like to speak on the House Reconvene teleconference to join us this Monday.

At this time, we do not know if, the Senate will be part of this historic reconvening, as mandated by the USA Constitution?

If, the Senate intends to also reconvene on this date, the House of Representatives would welcome a short Informational discussion before the two houses separate into their respective duties.

Here it the call information for the House of Representatives call:

712-432-0075  Code 111880#

All members of the Republic are welcome to attend the call. However, only MEMBERS of the Congress may speak on the floor of Congress.

Thank you, to all of you who have held the Republic vision during these confusing and difficult times. Let's build the dream!

Please pass this information to all 50 Free States so we can begin the Vision with a fully functioning National Congress.

See you MONDAY, December 3, 2012 at 6pm PST.

Constitutionally Yours, in Freedom.

Rep. Mark A Gardner
Republic for Nevada
USA Republic House Co-administrator with Rep. Tim Coleman

Q & A:               
We welcome your questions, comments & feedback.     
When we open the call for Q&A - PRESS *6, then 1 to be placed in the queue.  
You may also email your questions to: questions@republicoftheunitedstates.org.   
Not receiving emails and updates?  We apologize for the inconvenience.  An unfortunate event with Constant Contact required us to place many emails on a Do Not Mail list.  At this time the only way we can add you back to the database is with your assistance.  Please use this link to add your email address.  You will then receive messages once again.  

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Message from Jim Geiger

Thanksgiving Message from Jim Geiger

Happy Thanksgiving
Crisis of the Republic  By Jim Geiger

Thomas Paine wrote in "The Crisis" on December 23, 1776:
"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated."

George Washington is known to have posted these words and read them aloud to all his troops to inspire them and motivate them.

On Sept. 26, 1777 the British occupied Philadelphia, causing the Continental Congress to flee and forcing the Continental Army to setup a defensive position at Valley Forge. For six months the Continental Army was encamped at Valley Forge under the command of General George Washington, just a few miles from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

At the time of Valley Forge the Continental Army had dwindled down to fewer than 5,000 men fit for duty, and was scheduled to be reduced to 1,400 after enlistments expired by the end of 1777. It is interesting that no battle was ever fought at Valley Forge. However, unless the Continental Army had not won the war against the elements and discouragement I would dare say that the war would have been lost. In fact General Washington wrote to Governor George Clinton from Valley Forge, February 16, 1778 the following words, in part:

"...For some days past, there has been little less, than a famine in camp. A part of the army has been a week, without any kind of flesh, and the rest for three or four days. Naked and starving as they are, we cannot enough admire the incomparable patience and fidelity of the soldiery, that they have not been ere this excited by their sufferings, to a general mutiny or dispersion. Strong symptoms, however, discontent have appeared in particular instances; and nothing but the most active efforts everywhere can long avert so shocking a catastrophe."

On June 18, 1778 the British abandoned Philadelphia and returned to New York. The Continental Army lived to fight another day.


I have shared this story for the past few weeks and believe it is appropriate to share it once more with my insights. I believe that our Heavenly Father is putting all of us through a sieve and He is getting those things out of our lives that we placed faith in besides Him and His favor. Let me give you a few examples.
  1. Some would say that unless we have the support of the military there is no hope. However, we find it written in Psalm 20:7Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
  2. Some would say that without financial backing there is no hope. However, we find it written in Psalm24:1, The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
  3. Some would say that without enforcement there is no hope. However, we find it written in Genesis 18:25, Be it far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
I am not judging anyone on their standing on these issues. But I am trying to get us to see events from a different perspective. Whether we live or die, prosper or not, one thing is for sure. Our Heavenly Father is busy about the business of building us up into a People that are fit for duty for His own good pleasure.

Please remember that the founding of the Republic is a faith issue. Our eyes should always be on our heavenly Father to finish the work of establishing this Republic, not upon any man. Remember that He has already overcome the world.  I urge you all to consider your standing on these issues. May Our Father continue to bestow upon us His unmerited favor and may we continue to be faithful towards Him as He re-establishes His Republic. I look forward to meeting each of you in the not too distant future.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Republic Roundtable: November 15, 2012

Republic Roundtable: November 15, 2012
Thursdays: 6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern
Conference Number: 712-432-0075 Code 594637#

Please forward to your Assemblies & interested friends :-) 

Host & Moderator: Robert Zuluaga - Producer: Jeanine Stewart - Technical Assistant: Cyndi Hull 

November 15, 2012

Forever Glory Forever Glory

Acting President Jim Geiger  
     Plea for Unity 

Secretary of Treasury Kelby Smith. 
     Staying the Course 
     Affidavit of Peace
From the Roundtable to you and your families we wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.  Please keep the Republic in your holiday prayers.

The Roundtable will resume Thursday, November 29, 2012 

Psalm 100

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands!
Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into God's presence with singing!
Know that the Lord is God!
It is he that made us, and we are his;
We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him, bless his name!
For the Lord is good;
His steadfast love endures forever,
And his faithfulness to all generations.

Q & A:               
We welcome your questions, comments & feedback.     
When we open the call for Q&A - PRESS *6, then 1 to be placed in the queue.  
You may also email your questions to:  questions@republicoftheunitedstates.org.   

Plea for Unity

Plea for Unity

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Message from President Turner

A quick message from President Turner 

President Turner would like everyone to know that he does not want us recruiting the militias!  He wants everyone to know that we are a peaceful organization and want nothing to do with violence or those who are known for violence.  

He wants everyone to be in prayer for the Republic.

He hopes the people don't forget him.

Letters of encouragement can be sent to:

James Timothy Turner
#99120 MCDF
PO Box 4599
Montgomery, Alabama  36103

Let him know we have not forgotten him and still care.  Share every day experiences with him so that he can still feel connected to us outside until he is released.

Everyone can also please still send donations for his legal team expenses and for his phone call expenses. it's very expensive to make calls.  These donations also help Mrs Turner meet expenses while her husband is unable to provide for her.  

Donations can be sent to: 
Kim McDowell
PO Box 22
Daleville, AL 36322

Thank you all who have been faithfully praying for our President and do not grow weary in doing so.  He has given so much for all of us and any way you can show support is much appreciated!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Republic Open Call – October 03, 2012 | Republic for the united States of America

Republic Open Call – October 03, 2012 | Republic for the united States of America

Republic Weekly Update-10-03-2012- Moderator Kelby Smith; Secretary of the Treasury, and Co-Moderator Jim Fitzgerald join in a discussion about President James Timothy Turner and give a historical break down as to why they would have a policy to do the things that they are doing to keep the Republic from advancing.  If you would like information regarding the Republic History send an email to history@republicoftheunitedstates.org. You will get a response with information that is critical to what has transpired in this nation for the last 150 years.

Friday, September 21, 2012

President James Timothy Turner Quotes

It was suggested we should share some quotes from President James Timothy Turner and Daniel was talented enough to photoshop a picture of him with the latest quote added.  Thank you Daniel!

Rockets Redglare has shared many of President Turner's quotes on her facebook group and I thought that would be a good place to start with quotes as no one else has emailed me any as of yet.  Enjoy!

  • "We’re going to move back to a society that is clean again. Let’s clean up our air, our soil, our water. " -- President James Timothy Turner of the Re-Inhabited American Republic
  • "International recognition of the Republic has officially started. Soon you will have a number of nations standing up and following suit. When they have officially made their declaration for the Republic, the information can be published." -- President James Timothy Turner
  • "We’re going to be able to help prop up defacto when it falls and work to convert everything back to lawful government." -- President James Timothy Turner
  • "Who does the IRS collect on behalf of? The IMF. Who owns the U.S. Corporation? The IMF. In 1944 the UNITED STATES Corporation was quit-claimed through the Bretton-Woods agreement to the IMF." -- President James Timothy Turner
  • "Courts are incorporated, they are for-profit businesses. They don't deal in law. The judges are not judges, they're administrators for the Corporation, trustees of accounts. They use the legal system to imprison people unlawfully (Title 18 The Criminal Code used today in our courts was never ratified, only 44 of 215 required votes) every day they imprison people on criminal charges. We're proving these things were done unlawfully in the World Court and challenging the authority of the jurisdiction of the Corporation -- they don't have any." -- President James Timothy Turner
  • "We’re going to move back to a society that is clean again. Let’s clean up our air, our soil, our water. " -- President James Timothy Turner of the Re-Inhabited American Republic
  • "Over 50 top scientists want to come and work for the Republic if they can have safety from the UNITED STATES Corporation." -- President James Timothy Turner
All quotes were taken from the facebook group created by Rockets Redglare and posted by her.  Thank you Rockets for your untiring support and diligent work on behalf of our Republic!

President Turner, you are in our prayers during this time of "sabre rattling" and will continue to be lifted in prayer daily!

Citizen Study Guide

The United States government exists in two forms:
1. The original United States (de jure) was established by the founding fathers in 1787 as a union of sovereign States under a Republican form of government that was in operation until 1861. Under the original Constitution, both the National and State governments were controlled by the People for the benefit of all the People, rather than for the benefit of the government.

2. A different UNITED STATES formed in 1871 as a municipal corporation for the District of Columbia (the UNITED STATES CORPORATION), which usurped the original United States by defining the entire United States as a territory of the District of Columbia (in the 1871 Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia). This UNITED STATES, acting as the current government, operates under Corporate/Commercial Law, rather than Common Law.

History and Facts
The original Constitution was never abolished. It has simply been dormant since 1861. It is still intact to this day. This fact was made clear in 1908 by Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan: “Two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and Independently of that Instrument.” The Supreme Court has said the de jure government offices still exist, but the people have failed to occupy them.

The rewritten Constitution of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION bypasses the original Constitution for the United States of America, which explains why our Congressmen and Senators don’t abide by it and why the President can write Executive Orders to do whatever he wants. They are following corporate laws that completely strips individuals of their God-given, unalienable rights.

Evidence of control by the Corporation
The U.S. Government is a corporation functioning as the federal government. Thus, it does not have to follow the Constitution, nor does it matter if the President is not a natural born citizen since he is simply the head of a corporation. The Corporation gets the permission of the people to reign over them by deceit. This is done by wording in the birth certificates, Social Security cards, driver’s licenses, IRS forms, marriage licenses, and other documents. They always refer to the “PERSON” in all capital letters. This means the name represents a corporate entity. This is how the Corporation courts claim jurisdiction over the people.

When we enter a U.S. courtroom, a yellow-fringed military or admiralty flag is flying. The U.S. Military does not have the protection of the Constitution, neither do ships at sea under admiralty law. When we enter a court room, cross through the little wooden gate, and proceed to the area where the plaintiff (prosecutor), defendant, judge, and court reporter sit, we are entering a “ship” or a foreign country, as evidenced by the admiralty or military flag flying; thus the Constitution has no applicability, and we are under tribunal ruling or opinion, rather than common law. The flaw with the Corporation’s scheme is that there is no full disclosure to the People.

How the Republic for the United States was reinhabited
The Restore America Plan, a group of patriotic men and women, assembled and organized grand juries in all 50 states to hear one specific case. This process was followed according to the remedy described in the Declaration of Independence.

On March 30, 2010, warrants were delivered to all 50 state governors. The jury found the governors guilty of treating the people as corporate entities, working for a corporation, and not obeying the state and national constitutions. The governors were given seven days to resign or lose their option to hold office. After seven days, the lieutenant governors were given seven days, and then the secretaries of state were given seven days. After 21 days they acquiesced, and the people now had the option to come up with their own remedy.

The remedy was that "We the People" would reinhabit the abandoned Republic if the current officers of the corporate government would not comply. The members of the 50 grand juries unanimously voted to establish a provisional government as our founding fathers did, lawfully, peacefully and constitutionally.

On September 23, 2010, the first session of Congress was convened by the united free states of the reinhabited United States of America, at which time the seating of the Executive and Judicial branches, along with the legislative bodies, of the Republic government occurred.

Interim President James Timothy Turner was elected with a presiding majority vote of 94% approval. Thus, the Republic government was officially reinhabited and staffed by the will of “We the People” for the first time since it was abandoned during the approximately period of 1861 to 1870.

Timeline of events that led to the current United States Corporation.
1788 - The United States was officially bankrupt and owed a large debt to the British Crown and France for money loaned to fight the War of Independence.

1845 - Congress passed legislation allowing Common Law to be usurped by Admiralty Law. The yellow fringe placed at the bottom of court flags proves this is still true. Before 1845, Americans were considered sovereign individuals who governed themselves under Common Law.

1860 - 1882 - A 70-year note to the foreign banks came due when President Lincoln was elected, but the money was unavailable. Lincoln asked to renegotiate the loan, but the bankers demanded better terms and collateralization of the public lands.  Much turmoil and a Civil War took place during these few years, caused by the demands of the foreign central banks. The influence of the banks affected many laws passed during this period to pull the governance away from a republican form.

In 1871 Congress created a municipal corporation under the District of Columbia Act with its physical jurisdiction limited to the District of Columbia and U.S. possessions. This corporate entity trademarked and named itself the "UNITED STATES." Unlawful acts were passed to fully seat this new form of government as a democracy. The transfer of control was gradually implemented, which effectively resulted in congressional members vacating the seats in the de jure government in favor of allegiance to the municipal corporation of the District of Columbia. · As a result, constitutional governance was abandoned, and all of the offices and legislative seats were vacated. The corporation of the UNITED STATES deceived the American people into believing the constitutional form of government was still in operation.

1913 - The fraud and deception against the American people has continued to this day, resulting in the mistaken belief that the municipal, corporate governance of the District of Columbia and its officers are the Constitutional governance of the United States of America.

  • · Private international banking interests created the Federal Reserve Bank to siphon the wealth from the People through fraud and embezzlement in order to impoverish and enslave them.
  • · These same interests secured 21 major newspapers and changed the editors to prevent the people from knowing what was really happening.
  • · These same interests later secured all major radio, TV, satellite, and cable media to further their control of information to the People.

1933 - The corporation of the UNITED STATES continued its deception and fraud by amending the Trading with the Enemy Act and classifying US Citizens as Enemy Combatants in order to confiscate the gold from the American people.

  • · Under the continued deception of the corporation, the UNITED STATES experienced another bankruptcy and pledged our private lands, property, and labor as collateral against the corporate debt. The people, in return, were promised that all their debts would be discharged. This was done without the consent of the American people and is why we pay property taxes.
  • · All licenses, registrations, birth certificates, social security cards, marriage licenses, permits, etc. are methods of surrendering property to the bankers.
  • · The “straw man,” (a corporate entity owned by the UNITED STATES) was created as a way for a living man or woman to participate in commerce. The name that appears on all documents, checks, licenses, permits, in all capital letters, is this corporate entity. The living man or woman is made into the surety for the national debt through this entity.
  • · The Federal Reserve is a private cartel of bankers which issues the currency in use in our nation and charges rent for that currency in the form of income tax.
  • · The IRS is a private corporation chartered in 1933 as the Internal Revenue Tax and Audit Service and is the debt collector for the Federal Reserve.
  • · These events were believed by many to be acts of treason by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

1944 - The corporate governance of the UNITED STATES deeded Washington D.C. and its assets to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

  • · The U.S. Government is a private corporation that is now owned by the IMF, which is part of the United Nations.
  • · The U.S. Treasury is the drawing account for the IMF.

Today - All of these events since 1871 occurred without full disclosure and, consequently, without the informed consent of the American people. This fraud and deception perpetrated on the People continues today, even after the corporate UNITED STATES has been notified to cease and desist.

Summary of the Ten Articles of the Bill of Rights
1. Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech, the press, the right to peacefully assemble, or the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

2. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

3. The consent of the homeowner is required to house soldiers.

4. Personal property is to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures and to require a warrant issued by oath noting probable cause and description of place and property to be seized.

5. No person must answer for a capital or infamous crime unless indicted by a grand jury; nor be subject to double jeopardy; nor be a witness against himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process; nor shall private property be taken without just compensation.

6. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime was committed and to be informed of the accusation, confronted by the accusers, and given the ability to obtain witnesses and assistance of counsel.

7. The right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by jury may be re-examined by any court of the United States except under the rule of common law.

8. Excessive bail shall not be required, excessive fines shall not be imposed, and cruel and unusual punishment will not be inflicted.

9. The list of rights in the Constitution is not meant to deny others retained by the People.

10. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People.

The Power of Congress is limited to the following:

  • Laying and collecting apportioned taxes.
  • Providing for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.
  • Borrowing money on the credit of the United States.
  • Regulating commerce with foreign nations, among States, and Indian tribes.
  • Establishing a uniform rule of naturalization and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcy
  • Coining money and regulating its value*
  • Fixing the standard of weights and measures.
  • Providing for the punishment of counterfeiting.
  • Establishing post offices
  • Promoting the progress of science and useful arts, granting patents
  • Authorizing courts inferior to the Supreme Court.
  • Punishing piracy on high seas and offences against the Law of Nations.
  • Declaring war.
  • Raising and supporting armies.
  • Providing for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia.
  • Exercising exclusive legislation over the District of Columbia and United States territories.
  • *Congress does not have the power to delegate the control of our nations' money supply to a central bank.

Long-term Goals of the Republic for the United States of America:

  • End the foreclosure nightmare.

  • End unlawful tax prosecutions.

  • End law enforcement harassment for failure to carry corporate state-issued ID.

  •  End all court prosecutions which lack an injured party.

  • End use of adhesion contracts through such things as Form 1040, car registrations, birth certificates, bank signature cards, social security cards, marriage licenses, driver’s licenses, building permits, etc.

  •  End use of deeds and transfer all personal property to allodial title.

  •  Instantly end all unlawful taxation, including taxes on earnings and property.

  •  Provide sovereign ID, diplomatic immunity, and sovereign passports.

  •  Restore the People's money and wealth from the international banking institutions.

  •  Lawfully settle all mortgages, as well as all auto, personal, and business “loans” issued by members of the Federal Reserve.

  •  Offer amnesty to all corporate activists who repent for their state-sponsored crimes against mankind and remove the recidivists from office.

  • Require our elected officials in the Republic for the United States to operate under the limits of their oath of office to uphold the United States and State Constitutions, circa 1860. Violation of said oath is treason, a capital crime.

  • Revitalize our economy by restoring and promoting the family farm, manufacturing and industry, new energy technologies, medical and alternative health care technologies, and more.

  • Empower and inspire all People to live virtuously through such renewed abundance.

  • Do all of the above and more in a peaceful, discreet and honorable manner, without proclamations or provocative actions against a general public that is largely unaware of the deception from their media and the abandonment of their free, de jure American Republic.

To understand this document, here are some basic terms.

1. admiralty/maritime/international law: the King’s law. Deals with criminal acts that only apply to international contracts. Under this law, the people no longer have sovereign rights. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) practiced by the UNITED STATES is based on Admiralty Law. Under the UCC, contracts do not have to be entered into knowingly. Simple agreements can be binding, and as long as you exercise the benefits of that “agreement,” you must meet the obligations associated with those benefits. If you accept the benefit offered by the government, then you MUST follow, to the letter, each and every statute involved with that benefit. That “benefit” is the Federal Reserve Notes (U.S. dollars). By paying for things with U.S. dollars, you are unknowingly giving up your rights protected by the Constitutional and are legally obligated to follow all of the UCC statues without ever being informed.

2. antithetical: directly opposed or contrary to; mutually incompatible; repugnant.

3. Common Law: God’s law; a system of law founded upon the Holy Bible; natural justice, equity and common sense, which demand men and women to self- govern. In common law, contracts must be entered into knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally.

4. de facto: in practice, but not necessarily ordained by law; in fact, in reality; existing as the controlling power; under corporate rule.

5. de jure: existing by right or according to law; original, lawful.

6. de jure Citizen of the United States of America: a living man or woman who completes the process of becoming a Citizen of record of the Republic for the united States of America; a sovereign individual and Citizen of the United States of America and of the free State in which they live, pursuant to the de jure Republic’s Constitution, Article I, Section 2, or Article IV, Section 2, in referencing a “Citizen of the United States” or “Citizens of each State,” and not bound to any political district, agency, affiliate, or incorporated powers of any kind, willingly or unintentionally, which would waive lawful United States Citizenship status, responsibilities, duties, and rights enumerated and protected by the Republic’s Constitution.

7. democracy: a government controlled by the majority of the populace; mob rule.

8. free State: one of the 50 States in union with the Republic for the united States of America.

9. Grand Jury: Under common law a grand jury may be composed of 25 members of the community, with an indictment allowed upon a majority vote. They are not governed by the prosecutor or court, and may bypass or exclude the prosecutor, Judge, etc. and issue their own subpoenas, indictments, etc. Grand juries also have the power to investigate public officials without interference from the government.

10. jurisdiction: in its most general sense, the power to make, declare or apply the law. Jurisdiction is limited to place or territory, to persons, or to particular subjects.

11. lawful: agreeable to, conformable to, and allowed by the law form of the Republic; constituted by law, rightful; that which is found in positive law, as opposed to codes and statutes.

12. legal: the appearance or semblance, without the substance, of law; Pertaining to the understanding, the exposition, the administration, the science and the practice of law. Action taken by misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because the wrongdoer is clothed with the authority of the state.

13. republic: a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law.

14. Republic for the United States of America: the original union of sovereign states in America under the rule of law described in the organic Constitution of the United States. This Republic was left dormant (remaining in existence according to law, but non-operational) circa 1871.

15. sovereign individual: a living man or woman with God-given, unalienable rights, including life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness, who is vested with indigenous political authority.

16. "straw man" corporation: a corporate fictitious entity that merely represents the living person and acts as a “straw man." This “straw man” entity includes the names of U.S. Citizens/Subjects and is addressed in all caps, i.e. JOHN SMITH, rather than John Smith.

17. the missing 13th Amendment: “If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain, any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them." The original 13th Amendment to our Constitution has been unlawfully removed from publication. One intention of the Amendment was to prohibit the attorneys of powerful European bankers who planned to overthrow the new American government from holding office in America. During the confusion of the War of 1812 (when our capitol records building was burned) and the Civil War, the bankers and lawyers removed the 13th Amendment, replacing it with the emancipation amendment, which should be the 14th.

18. title of nobility: The original 13th amendment forbade anyone with a title of nobility, including “Esquire,” from serving in the government, and was removed from the Constitution to allow Attorneys to control the government in favor of the international bankers who had funded the Civil War. Attorneys/Esquires were precluded from participation in the government due to their allegiance to the BAR and foreign banking interests. Lawyers, on the other hand, held no such allegiance.

19. treason: The Constitution of the United States, Article 3, Section 3, defines treason against the United States of America to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. This offence is punishable by death.

20. trial by jury: Almost every jury in America is falsely instructed by the Judge when it is told it must accept as the law that which is given to them by the court and that the jury can decide only the facts of the case. This is to destroy the purpose of a common law jury, and to permit the imposition of tyranny upon a people. The truth is that the jury has the right to judge both the law and the facts and has the power to disregard the instructions on the law given by a Judge.

21. U.S. corporate government: In 1871 the United States became a corporation with its physical jurisdiction in the District of Columbia. The corporation created a new Constitution and a new corporate government. During this time period, members of Congress, instead of taking an oath to represent the people and uphold the Constitution, took oaths of office of a civil servant, thus coming under the authority of the chief executive of the U.S. Corporation.

22. unalienable: that which cannot lawfully be separated, given away, taken away, or liened.

23. UNITED STATES citizen: a person of or from the UNITED STATES who holds legal citizenship; a citizen, federal citizen, civilian, resident, debtor, chattel, or subject of political venue or jurisdiction by cause of contract with incorporated powers of the District of Columbia, either directly or indirectly (i.e., a corporate UNITED STATES citizen).