Tuesday, December 25, 2012



 Republic for the United States of America

A Poem from President James Timothy Turner
Out of the hearts of men there was born
The hope of a government Republic in form;
For the Home of the Brave and Land of the Free
Not the home of the slave and land of the Fee;
The Fathers of old looked down from above
With Faith and with Praise and most of all Love;
To see "We the People" Finally stand
And bring the Republic back to their Land;
A small band of Americans who truly loved God
Stood where most warriors did Fear to trod;
They knew the Risk and counted the cost
At times it seemed the cause was just lost;
They struggled and worked and sacrificed much
They were demonized, hated and held in disgust;
"UNITED STATES" leaders said we can't let this stand
We have to destroy them down to the last man;
They called in the Marshalls and FBI
We will take out their leader we'll have to use Lies;
The President is the one that matters
If we take him down the rest will just scatter;
Spies were sent in to tear us apart
Want to be leaders who have evil hearts;
The Presidents gone you must follow us
But the People of God put up quite a Fuss;
They said we will stand in God we will trust
This network of yours is not working for Us;
The People decided to Follow the Plan
That God gave America with his own hand;
God looked down with a smile on His Face
And said to Yeshua it's time for some grace;
God sent His own Spirit to cover the land
I'll deliver the Republic with my mighty hand;
The People awakened with a big Yawn
The Corp is in trouble a new day has dawned;
The American Republic grew stronger and stronger
The "UNITED STATES" Corp could hold out no longer;
The People arose and took back their home
Not long after that the evil was gone;
Back in his jail cell the President prayed
They said he would weaken just give him some days;
In spite of their efforts he only grew stronger
How can this group hold out any longer?;
They have no money they have no support
Yet they are standing up to the "UNITED STATES" Corp;
Lucifer told them you know I beheld
A time in the past we tried to kill twelve;
They were his disciples the numbers just grew
The more I destroyed the more God renewed;
That battle I lost and I was unseated
I Fear that mistake has just been repeated.

James Timothy Turner
President 12-16-2012 

Donations for President Turner's law team can be sent to:
Kim McDowell
PO Box 22
Daleville, AL 36322

Letters of encouragement can be sent to:
James Timothy Turner
#99120 MCDF
PO Box 4599
Montgomery, Alabama  36103

Please ensure distribution to your assemblies and contacts.

Join Our Mailing List!
Please Click on the following Link.

Monday, December 24, 2012



Merry Christmas from the
Republic for the United States of America
My Christmas Wish To YOU 
By Catherine Pulsifer 

If I could wish a wish for you, 
it would be for peace and happiness not only now, 
but for the whole year through! 

I wish that there always be food on your table. 
And that you always remember those less fortunate. 
May you always take time to share, and thank those who share with you. 

I wish for time, so you may reflect 
on the blessings that you have, and that you express your love 
to those who are dear to you. 

May you never feel lonely, 
because there are those who care. 
That you realize: you are special, 
you are unique, you make a difference, 
not only at Christmas, but all year! 

I wish for your thoughts to be positive ones, 
that you never quit, that you never give up, 
and that you continue to learn. 
I wish for the love, peace, and joy 
of Christmas be yours always.
Rejoice in the spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the miracle of Christmas which is Hope, and the heart of Christmas which is Love.

May God Bless all of you and the Republic.

Thursday, December 20, 2012



Republic for the United States of America Roundtable Conference Call
Thursdays: 6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern
Conference Number: 712-432-0075 Code 594637# - Playback # 712-432-1085

Please forward to your Assemblies & interested friends :-) 

Host & Moderator: Robert Zuluaga - Producer: Jeanine Stewart - Technical Assistant: Cyndi Hull 

December 20, 2012

Forever Glory Forever Glory
Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year

Calls resume
January 3, 2013  
The 1870 Act to approve legal holidays:The act of Congress establishing Fourth of July as a holiday, but without pay, for federal employees and the District of Columbia occurred in 1870. Senator Hannibal Hamlin (Dem.-Maine, and previously vice president under Abraham Lincoln) introduced a Senate Bill (referred HR no. 2224), issued through the Committee on the District of Columbia, Forty-first Congress, Session II, on 24 June 1870, and titled "Legal Holidays in the District." Hamlin presented his rationale for the bill: "There are no legal holidays here, and this bill merely provides for what I think are the legal holidays in every state of the Union." Apparently there was no opposition to the bill which "was reported to the Senate without amendment; ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed." It was reported in the Congressional Globe, Friday, June 28, 1870, and was printed as Chapter 167:

"Legal Holidays in the District"
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the following days, to wit: the first day of January, commonly called New Year's day, the fourth day of July, the twenty-fifth day of December, commonly called Christmas day, and any day appointed or recommended by the President of the United States as a day of public fast or thanksgiving, shall be holidays within the District of Columbia, and shall, for all purposes of presenting for payment or acceptance for the maturity and protest, and giving notice of the dishonor of bills of exchange, bank checks and promissory notes or other negotiable or commercial paper, be treated and considered as is the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, and all notes, drafts, checks, or other commercial or negotiable paper falling due or maturing on either of said holidays shall be deemed as having matured on the day previous. Approved, June 28, 1870.

Reminder - State Elections: 
It is imperative the States immediately schedule elections for National Representatives. The Senate remains seated and the second congress will need to determine the division of three equal classes. All newly elected or re-elected seat holders will first need to demonstrate pursuant to law, their documentation and validation of election prior to the opening of the second session of Congress. The State Records Keepers and/or Administrators will need to upload the required documents to Dropbox.

Congressional Roster - upload to dropbox or send torrb.admin@republicoftheunitedstates.org
First Congress (to establish a quorum to convene a special session)
Second Congress (Re-elected or newly elected seat holders for the session beginning January 22, 2013)

What Constitutes a "Green"State?

A Message from President Turner's Chief of Staff - Kim McDowell:
NOW is the time for funds for the President's legal defense. Ask for the assemblies to collect what ever they can get. $25 $250 $25,000 or $250,000... Donations for the President's legal defense can be sent to: Kim McDowell  P.O. Box 22  Daleville, Alabama  36322.  
Q & A:               
We welcome your questions, comments & feedback.     
When we open the call for Q&A - PRESS *6, then 1 to be placed in the queue.  
You may also email your questions to: questions@republicoftheunitedstates.org.   
Not receiving emails and updates?  We apologize for the inconvenience.  An unfortunate event with Constant Contact required us to place many emails on a Do Not Mail list.  At this time the only way we can add you back to the database is with your assistance.  Please use this link to add your email address.  You will then receive messages once again.  

Friday, December 14, 2012



Republic for the United States of America Weekly Call Links 

Please forward to your Assemblies and Interested Contacts

Roundtable Call: December 13, 2012   

RICG - Executive Call: December 10, 2012  


Roundtable Call: December 6, 2012  

RICG - Executive Call: December 3, 2012

Roundtable Call: November 29, 2012

Not receiving emails and updates?  We apologize for the inconvenience.  An unfortunate event with Constant Contact required us to place many emails on a Do Not Mail list.  At this time the only way we can add you back to the database is with your assistance.  Please use this link to add your email address.  You will then receive messages once again. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Round Table Call December 13th


Republic for the United States of America Roundtable Conference Call
Thursdays: 6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern
Conference Number: 712-432-0075 Code 594637#

Please forward to your Assemblies & interested friends :-) 

Host & Moderator: Robert Zuluaga - Producer: Jeanine Stewart - Technical Assistant: Cyndi Hull 

December 13, 2012

Forever Glory Forever Glory

Please join us this evening.

All calls next week are canceled for the Christmas Holiday.  
State Elections: 
It is imperative the States immediately schedule elections for National Representatives. The Senate remains seated and the second congress will need to determine the division of three equal classes. All newly elected or re-elected seat holders will first need to demonstrate pursuant to law, their documentation and validation of election prior to the opening of the second session of Congress. The State Records Keepers and/or Administrators will need to upload the required documents to Dropbox.

Congressional Roster - upload to dropbox or send torrb.admin@republicoftheunitedstates.org
First Congress (to establish a quorum to convene a special session)
Second Congress (Re-elected or newly elected seat holders for the session beginning January 22, 2013)

What Constitutes a "Green"State?

Documents filed in President Turner's case:



A Message from President Turner's Chief of Staff - Kim McDowell:
NOW is the time for funds for the President's legal defense. Ask for the assemblies to collect what ever they can get. $25 $250 $25,000 or $250,000... Donations for the President's legal defense can be sent to: Kim McDowell  P.O. Box 22  Daleville, Alabama  36322.

Mayan Calendar Humor:

Q & A:               
We welcome your questions, comments & feedback.     
When we open the call for Q&A - PRESS *6, then 1 to be placed in the queue.  
You may also email your questions to: questions@republicoftheunitedstates.org.   
Not receiving emails and updates?  We apologize for the inconvenience.  An unfortunate event with Constant Contact required us to place many emails on a Do Not Mail list.  At this time the only way we can add you back to the database is with your assistance.  Please use this link to add your email address.  You will then receive messages once again.