Friday, September 21, 2012

President James Timothy Turner Quotes

It was suggested we should share some quotes from President James Timothy Turner and Daniel was talented enough to photoshop a picture of him with the latest quote added.  Thank you Daniel!

Rockets Redglare has shared many of President Turner's quotes on her facebook group and I thought that would be a good place to start with quotes as no one else has emailed me any as of yet.  Enjoy!

  • "We’re going to move back to a society that is clean again. Let’s clean up our air, our soil, our water. " -- President James Timothy Turner of the Re-Inhabited American Republic
  • "International recognition of the Republic has officially started. Soon you will have a number of nations standing up and following suit. When they have officially made their declaration for the Republic, the information can be published." -- President James Timothy Turner
  • "We’re going to be able to help prop up defacto when it falls and work to convert everything back to lawful government." -- President James Timothy Turner
  • "Who does the IRS collect on behalf of? The IMF. Who owns the U.S. Corporation? The IMF. In 1944 the UNITED STATES Corporation was quit-claimed through the Bretton-Woods agreement to the IMF." -- President James Timothy Turner
  • "Courts are incorporated, they are for-profit businesses. They don't deal in law. The judges are not judges, they're administrators for the Corporation, trustees of accounts. They use the legal system to imprison people unlawfully (Title 18 The Criminal Code used today in our courts was never ratified, only 44 of 215 required votes) every day they imprison people on criminal charges. We're proving these things were done unlawfully in the World Court and challenging the authority of the jurisdiction of the Corporation -- they don't have any." -- President James Timothy Turner
  • "We’re going to move back to a society that is clean again. Let’s clean up our air, our soil, our water. " -- President James Timothy Turner of the Re-Inhabited American Republic
  • "Over 50 top scientists want to come and work for the Republic if they can have safety from the UNITED STATES Corporation." -- President James Timothy Turner
All quotes were taken from the facebook group created by Rockets Redglare and posted by her.  Thank you Rockets for your untiring support and diligent work on behalf of our Republic!

President Turner, you are in our prayers during this time of "sabre rattling" and will continue to be lifted in prayer daily!


  1. "It is vital that we remain peaceful. The enemy of our souls is working tirelessly to discredit us. Let’s not give any opportunity for that to happen."

    God Bless, James Timothy Turner

    1. President Turner has definitely made it very clear this is about re-inhabiting in a peaceful manner! Thank you for sharing that quote!

  2. "God is testing us and we are passing with flying colors. We will soon be victorious and sit back in awe of what God has done with a few dedicated Sons and Daughters who dared to stand against the powerful evil forces in this world. I appreciate every one of you that have taken a stand. Please remember us in your prayers that God will lead and guide us according to his will not ours."

    1. I am already in awe of all that has been accomplished and President Turner's dedication to doing things in a way that honors God!

  3. "This is not my government, it is our government."

  4. "Because God is still on His Throne, there is hope for the “pursuit of life, liberty and happiness” in the great Republic of the united States of America."

    1. You have dug up some great quotes Cherron! I do not know how you keep up with all that you do and to help with this as well, thank you!

  5. "Many of the freedoms bought with the blood of early Patriots have been gradually usurped by insidious Democracy, rendering us as little more than subservient commodities of political power mongers who care only for themselves. We can, however, reclaim and re-inhabit the life that was known by our forebears, shaking off the deceptions of Democracy and embracing the benefits of a true Republic."

    1. Nice one Cherron! Thanks for sharing another quote! Anyone else??

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    1. Very glad it has been of help to you! There is a list of calls along the side of the page where you can call in and listen or participate in the calls to learn more.

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  8. I am praying for God to deliver him out of the chains he is in just like He did Peter, Paul and Silas!
    We need to call a day of Fasting and Prayer for President Tim.

  9. We honor and pray for our wonderful President Tim Turner. A truly unselfish man who has worked tiresly for the Republic and the people. God is with him and although I am concerned because he is being held by defacto people I know God and His guardian angels are with him every step of the way in the firey furnace.

  10. James Tim Turner was our last hope before corp govt imprisoned him. His imprisonment proves Turner wrong in that constitutional govt cannot be empowered in usa via non-violence.


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