Thursday, August 16, 2012

Questions answered about Republic

Unfortunately there are some who are opposing what the Republic is doing in re-inhabiting the de jure Republic and giving us back our freedom.  I do not know if they secretly oppose that We the People will have our unalienable rights defended once again or if they took offense to someone or something and have turned this into a cause to create division or discontent.  I do know I am very proud of our President and he is an honorable man.  On a recent Round Table call President Turner took one such letter of opposition and answered the concerns expressed point by point.  For those in opposition, listen and have your answer, for those that support our great Republic.....listen so you will know the answers if someone brings the questions to you.  Go to the Study Guide site at and click under latest updates.  The Round Table call for 08.09.12 is the call I am referring to.  Chuckers has included the document just under the call so you can read along as you listen to the recording if you choose to.  Thank you President Turner for taking the time to answer clearly so we can all listen.  Your integrity, honesty and character are so appreciated!  Be blessed!

"Through the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness realized in partaking of the river of righteousness and love that proceeds from the Fountain and through the Portal and Way, we are being prepared for a new reign . . " -- Security Chief Tim Pledger

Monday, August 13, 2012

State of the union tour in Oregon

President Turner meets with We The People
As we all know, President Turner has been out meeting with the people on his tour.  The last stop on the schedule that is out at this time was yesterday in Oregon so stay tuned for an updated schedule because you will NOT want to miss this!

The photo is a stop he made in southern Oregon to meet with a group of Republic members.

Since I am away from home I was unable to attend the meeting in Oregon where the President took time to share the Declaration of Sovereign Intent (DSI) also known as the Utah Document along with other Republic documentation.  I was fortunate to have been able to attend in Phoenix.  I can't begin to tell you how exciting it was to see all of the documentation and be able to ask questions and hear how things are moving forward!  I did ask a few of the folks from Oregon to share what it meant to them while it was still fresh in their minds and wanted to share a few of the responses with all of you!

Cat Bonney: What a blessing to all of us to have Pres Tim, Security Sec Tim Pledger and Alabama AG Jack Davis come and share the personal stories and eyewitness accounts of the forward momentum of the Republic! I am so exhilarated and embolded to make sure my family is ready and prepared, so we can be ready to assist in our local community when "Stuff" starts happening! Some of us have been sitting back in the "wait and see mode," but Sunday's meeting made it very clear that the time for action is NOW! I hope the others of the Oregon and Washington Republics (and a few courageous Californians) were encouraged and stirred in their souls, re-committing themselves to the task that lay before us!   We are making History my friends!  And I hope we never grow weary of well doing!

Rodney Green:  President Turner was great! And so much great information shared!  Yes ACTION and moving forward with great guidance.The word of the day for me would be "THRILLED" with what we have done and are still getting done.  Pres-Tim is a smart and wise man.  Motivating for sure.  We're all blessed to have such a Great Leader!!!  More Sunny days are on the way for us all :) Can't wait to visit with Tim again.  Hats off to our President and friends!!!

Charles Gutweniger (Chuckers):

It is now the time to pick up the ball and run.  The time is NOW!!!

If not now...when?
If not you.....who?

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.
~ Henry Ford ~

Ok then. Lets gather up that forward moving ball and keep moving it towards the goal line!
Were close!

In Unity.....pyramids are built!

As you can see, the people in Oregon are very excited about the progress and moving forward!  Unfortunately most were at work this morning when I checked in with them so many did not get a chance to share but I will definitely be asking them to comment here on the blog as to their reaction as well.

Watch for the schedule really do not want to miss your chance to see all of the documents and ask all the questions you want to ask!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

President Turner on the Josh Tolley Show

Josh Tolley interviewed President Turner July 31st on his show.  Very interesting interview!

For those of you unfamiliar with Josh Tolley you can go to for a wealth of resources to learn about the Republic